

Page history last edited by Peter Bromberg 15 years, 6 months ago

Tuesday, April 28

7:30am – 8:15am

Here Comes the Sun: Yoga for Library Workers

Participants will get the day rocking with gentle but invigorating yoga to open body, mind, and spirit. Returning by popular demand to lead our merry band (to which all are welcome, be you like a yoga virgin, a pina colada crooner, or a yoga boss) is Dina Crosta, a popular teacher at several central NJ yoga studios. Turn on, tune in, and drop *in.* Something in the way we move will rock your world.



7:30am – 5:30pm

Conference Registration Open


8:00am – 9:00am


Exhibits Grand Opening Celebration!     

Join President Heidi Cramer for the ceremonial ribbon cutting and enjoy a cup of coffee with the exhibitors.  The exhibits will be open until 5:00pm.


8:00am – 5:30pm


NJLA Store Open

Conference Bookstore Open



9:00am – 4:00pm



Visit the Podcasting Table



9:00am – 9:50am



What’s the Big Idea? Math & Science Programs

Learn to incorporate science in math concepts in all your interactions with children, use picture books and investigations to promote conversations, language skills and higher-order thinking. Engage children in hands-on investigations that help them explore math, science and literacy skills and concepts.

Michelle Willis, Scotch Plains Public Library, Vicky Kulikowski, Somerset County Library, Hillsborough Branch, Sharon Rawlins, NJ State Library and Allison Santos, Princeton Public Library

Children's Services Section



In Defense of Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll:  How to Talk to Parents about YA Fiction

Why do teens want to read those “bleak” YA books?  How do you explain to an angry parent who knows little about YA literature why certain books are in the teen section?  Learn how to express why teens prefer “junk” to “classics,” why it’s okay for their teen to be reading the same book over and over, and why there is nothing wrong with their teen being obsessed with horror or serial killer books!

Jennifer Hubert, Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School, New York; Moderator: Laura Leonard, Hillsdale Public Library

Young Adult Services Section and Reader's Advisory Roundtable



Reinventing Your Small Library:  Trading Spaces in Collingswood

Learn how one library reinvented its 1970s style building into a vibrant community center using the Trading Spaces merchandising model.  Hear about the many low-cost methods they used to promote their collection and services, most notably by making changes to space design and their approach to customer service.

Brett Bonfield, Collingswood Library; Moderator: Kathy Schalk-Greene, Mount Laurel Library

Small Libraries Section



What's a Database Anyway?  Promoting E-Resources

Today's libraries are faster, easier and more convenient to use than ever thanks to Web sites that are open 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  Find out how to use basic marketing and communications techniques to promote your library’s virtual services: Web sites, databases, online reference and e-books.  Participants will learn how to develop a plan and strategies for delivering your message.

Peggy Barber, Library Communication Strategies and former Associate Executive Director for Communication for the American Library Association; Moderator: Sue Lipstein, Hillside Public Library

Reference Section and Public Relations Committee



Our Future Patrons

A brief look at how the upcoming generations will likely use technologies in their professional and social lives and their possible expectations of library services.  Presenters will offer advice on how libraries may need to adjust their services in order to accommodate these changes and maintain relevance in future years.

Carlie Webber, BCCLS; Moderator: Amy Kearns, CJRLC

Information Technologies Section



Closing In on Retirement

A speaker from the NJ Division of Pensions will talk about what you need to know before you put in your retirement papers.

Speaker to be announced; Moderator: Keith McCoy, Roselle Public Library or Mark Titus, Hunterdon County Library

Investment Committee



Mail It?  It's In the Bag:  Books and More, Netflix Style (handouts/webpage)

Building on the accessibility of remote reference service, the Burlington County and Gloucester County Libraries are mobilizing their collections.  In a pilot project sponsored by the South Jersey Regional Library Cooperative, these  libraries are providing a free mailing option to their customers for  any items in their collection that may be reserved online, in person, or by phone.  Presenters will address policy issues, as well as the nuts and bolts information about why and how to implement such service.  The presentation will also include a DVD on a day in the life of the Books by Mail Services.

Gail Sweet, Sarah Thomson, and Molly Connor, Burlington County System; Bob Wetherall, Nancy Polhamus, and Karen Shiles, Gloucester County Library System; Moderator: Peter Bromberg, SJRLC

Administration and Management Section and Public Policy Committee



Imagine No Possessions:  Plagiarism, the Net Generation Student, and the Academic Librarian

The increasing presence of plagiarism and its seemingly irresistible lure in scholarly research has clashed with deficient, outdated academic library policies, and the result has been detrimental to higher education and academic integrity.  Once immune from the ills of plagiarism, academic librarians now must take direct involvement to stem the tide of academic dishonesty.  Cultural change brought from the Net Generation student is now forcing information literacy programs -- especially for librarians who conduct bibliographic instruction -- to include plagiarism and the ethical use of primary and secondary research materials in their instructional sessions.

George Germek, Monmouth University Library; Moderator: Ma Lei Hsieh, Rider University

College and University Section/ACRL-NJ User Education Committee



10:00am – 10:50am



Keynote Speaker:  Karen Hyman

Do Libraries Rock?  Some More than Others…

What makes a library great?  Are there shortcuts to greatness?  Come to find out what great organizations do that you could borrow, adapt or shamelessly copy to jumpstart your library’s move to the next level.

As a result of this program participants will:


·  Learn what great libraries know about attracting and keeping customers

·  Make at least one change at their libraries with an instant great effect

·  Find the sweet spots: lower cost, lower labor choices with high potential for big results

Karen Hyman has worked in public libraries, as a State Library Consultant, and as Executive Director of the South Jersey Regional Library Cooperative where she develops services for 600 member libraries.  Her chief inspiration has been her role as a library user, which “clears the vision wonderfully.”   


Karen’s 12-step Reinventing Your Library programs have been a feature at every Public Library Association Conference since 2000 and have been presented at library conferences, staff days, and trustee workshops in 38 states/provinces in the U.S. and Canada.


Some of her publications include “What Makes a Project Work?” (American Libraries, April 2006); “Struggling in a One-Stop Home-Shopping World, or People Want What They Want When They Want It – Don’t You? in Library Networks in the New Millennium:  Top Ten Trends, American Library Association, 2000; and “Customer Service and the Rule of 1965:  Stalled on the Way to the New Millennium in American Libraries, October 1999.


Karen was the 1997 NJLA Librarian of the Year and received the NJLA Library Service Award in 2002. She was also the recipient of the 2003 Leadership Achievement Award from the ASCLA Division of the American Library Association.



11:00am – 11:50am



New Books for Tweens and Teens

Discover the best of the new books for tweens and teens presented by this expert in literature for young people.

Teri Lesesne, Professor at Sam Houston State University; Moderator: Susan Fichtelberg, Woodbridge Public Library

Children's Services Section and Young Adult Services Section



Helping Your Patrons Understand the Global Financial Crisis:  Looming Economic Meltdown or Useful Teaching and Marketing Tool?

You don't have to be Warren Buffet to help your patrons find useful resources that will help them (and you!) understand what's going on with the global economy.  This workshop will highlight a number of useful tools and strategies for helping public and academic library patrons find information on the financial crisis.  Also included will be ideas for using this topic to market your library's services and resources to students, faculty, small businesses and community members.

Celia Ross, Stratham Research; Moderator: Cathy Prince, Summit Free Public Library

Reference Section



A Backstage Glance at Books -- History Authors Talk about the Process

Popular history titles have proliferated in recent years, as publishers such as Arcadia, the History Press, Schiffer, and others have expanded the market.  Three NJ authors will discuss the creation of books from the concept to the shelf, including their experiences working with a variety of publishers, tips on time management and the creative process, the importance of libraries as resource and repository, and their reflections on how popular illustrated history titles may be effecting the writing of history.

Randall Gabrielan, Executive Director, Monmouth County Historical Commission; Joseph Bilby, Assistant Curator, National Guard Militia Museum of New Jersey; Bob Golon, Princeton Theological Seminary; Moderator: John Beekman, Jersey City Free Public Library

History and Preservation Section



Advanced YouTubery

YouTube is one of the most popular websites, but it is much more than just a place to watch videos!  In this session our speaker reveals some new ways in which YouTube is providing more tools and opportunities for collaboration, annotation and usability than ever before.  YouTube is the site for user-generated content and communication, important for community-building for both users and libraries.  Come find out some new ways to use YouTube!

Jessamyn West, Library Consultant; Moderator: Amy Kearns, CJRLC

Information Technologies Section



Family Leave Act

This program will entail a presentation on how libraries comply with the laws mandating employee leaves under the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act and the New Jersey Family Leave Act.  Specifically, it will cover the nature of the entitlement, employee eligibility requirements, how to calculate leave periods, the similarities and differences between the federal and state family leave laws, and the new statutory developments regarding paid family leave.

Thomas O. Johnston, Porzio, Bromberg and Newman, P.C.; Moderator: Gian Hasija, Bloomfield Public Library

Professional Administration Subcommittee




What is a Library Record and Why Do I Care?

In the age of electronic records and subscriptions the concept of “library record” has become blurred.  The knowledge of what constitutes a record is critical, because it helps to understand which documents are covered by the NJ confidentiality statute, which documents you can freely provide to law enforcement, and which documents law enforcement must provide to you.

Grayson Barber, Esq. and Robert R. Schrott, Lexis-Nexis; Moderator: Carol Roehrenbeck, Rutgers-Newark, School of Law

Information Freedom Subcommittee



Mental Health Awareness for Safer Libraries

Learn about current mental health issues and trends, how to identify risk factors, and the importance of information sharing.  The Student Concerns Model in place at Georgian Court University will be used as a framework to illustrate how to establish the appropriate structure for your library.  Although our emphasis is on the academic setting, public and school libraries will also be discussed.

Dr. Robin Solbach, Director of Counseling, Georgian Court University; Barbara Herbert, Georgian Court University Library; Moderator: Richard Kearney, William Paterson University Library

College and University Section/ACRL-NJ



Ready… Set… Action!  Producing an Award-Winning DVD Collection

"Not just books anymore" has been a library slogan for over two decades.  Today’s libraries have expanded their services to provide the public with a myriad of resources on different media, like DVDs, and maintaining a well-balanced collection can present numerous challenges.  This program will address various issues, such as creating a core collection, presenting and promoting successfully, performing "movie advisory," dealing with damaged DVDs, and more!

Patty Slezak, Wayne Public Library; Moderator: Ilene Lefkowitz, Denville Public Library

Reader's Advisory Roundtable



11:30am – 2:00pm



Cash Lunch Bar open

Want to dine with new friends?  Visit the Hospitality Table for "Lunch Buddies"

Visit the Exhibits

Check out the NJLA Store

Browse the Conference Bookstore

Let your voice be heard at the Podcasting Table 
12:00pm – 1:30pm

Leadership Luncheon to Honor President-Elect Susan Briant


1:30pm – 2:20pm


Grab their attention: How to get your message through to today’s distracted audiences (book signing to follow)


Today’s audiences—including your staff and your board—are so busy and overloaded that they’re getting increasingly difficult to reach. Breaking through the clutter does not mean communicating more—it requires taking a different approach that incorporates smart techniques from Hollywood, Madison Avenue, politics, consumer magazines and even anthropology.  


 In this interactive session, Alison will share what she’s learned about getting people’s attention from researching her book, Your Attention, Please (Adams Business, October 2006). This session will provide you with techniques you can put to use immediately, including how to:      Focus on “you” (their audience) to catch their attention and motivate them,  Break through the clutter and get an audience to take action, Communicate a single concept clearly,  Make access easy, Use visual communication to cut down on information overload,  and Keep communication tools focused and to the point by focusing on what matters most.

The session features an exercise designed to help you think about how they can put lessons to work within your organization.


Alison Davis is founder and CEO of Davis & Company, the award-winning internal communication firm that helps Fortune 500 companies—such as CIT, Dow Corning, Hewlett-Packard, IKEA, MasterCard, Merck and Wyeth—reach, engage and motivate their employees. She is co-author of the book, Your Attention, Please! (Adams Business, 2006) and has written numerous articles and reports on employee communication. A sought-after speaker on HR communication issues, Alison has appeared at such organizations as The Arthur W. Page Society, The Conference Board, International Association of Business Communicators and HR organizations such as HR Southwest Human Resources Conference and Exposition, Garden State Council SHRM 17th Annual Conference & Expo, and Delaware SHRM 8th Annual HR Conference.


Alison Davis, Davis & Company; Moderator: Gian Hasija,Bloomfield Public Library

Professional Administration Subcommittee and Administration and Management Committee


The State of Publishing LGBTI-Themed Picture Books Today

It is has been twenty years since the groundbreaking publication of Lesléa Newman's Heather Has Two Mommies.  What is the market like today for children’s books with lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or intersex-related themes?  This broad question will be explored from the lens of an editor/publisher and from an author whose first picture book was published in 2008.

Sarah S. Brannen, author of Uncle Bobby's Wedding and The ABC Book of American Homes; Bobbie Combs, co-founder of Two Lives Publishing, editor and author of A, B, C:  A Family Alphabet Book and 1,2,3:  A Family Counting Book; Moderator: Enola Romano, Montclair Public Library, Bellevue Avenue Branch

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered and Intersexed Roundtable and Children's Services Section

Handouts and other resources available on LGBTI page. Click here LGBTI.


Vlogging Changed My Life!

Our award-winning author will speak about the video blog that he and his brother Hank have created and how YouTube and other media can be used to promote books and celebrate readers.  The Greens' vlogging began with the Brotherhood 2.0 project and morphed into the vlogbrothers.  Their YouTube channel has over 46,000 subscribers and a million and a half views.

John Green, author of Looking for Alaska, An Abundance of Katherines, and Paper Towns; Moderator: Laura Leonard, Hillsdale Public Library

Young Adult Services Section and Information Technologies Section



Showtime!  Putting the Reader Center Stage

Too often, book club discussions are rote affairs, taken for granted by patrons who seem to be going though the motions.  Invigorate the format with fresh techniques: encourage active reading (with reading tips at each session); develop book lists brimming with variety and depth; be generous, but have a sense of direction at all times.  The result?  A highly engaged group who can’t wait until next month’s experience.

Diana Loevy, author of The Book Club Companion, founding editor of the reading groups websites for The Literary Guild and Black Expressions; Moderator: Jennifer Konopacki, Somerset County Library

Reader's Advisory Roundtable



Surviving a Genealogy Reference Interview

Genealogists can be a challenge for reference librarians.  They can pin you down with lengthy stories of their great-granduncle’s Civil War service, befuddle you with arcane questions about probate records, and jam your printers with census records.  But genealogy reference work can also be very rewarding for both librarians and patrons.  Learn the basic tools and strategies for helping family historians.

Jack Simpson, Curator of Local and Family History, the Newberry Library, Chicago; Moderator: Jenny Lichtenwalner, Scotch Plains Public Library

Reference Section and History and Preservation Section



The Disconnected – Who these 3.8 Million People Are and Why Libraries Need to Serve Them

Roughly one in six people nationwide between the ages of 18 and 24 are neither in school nor employed, according to the National League of Cities.  While described as “disconnected youth” by those who serve them, the vast majority of the “disconnected” self-identify as adults, with adult needs and adult problems.  This program will offer practical advice on serving this growing demographic in libraries.

Kathleen Degyansky, Queens Borough Public Library; Moderator: K. Ellen Stringer, Morris County Library

Special Populations Section





Will Manley

Description forthcoming. 

Moderator: To be announced

Conference Committee



College Students as Wikipedia Authors:  New Pathways to Information Literacy

Is there a role for Wikipedia in undergraduate library instruction?  A the New Jersey Institute of Technology, Wikipedia provided the basis for an assignment that resulted in a constructivist learning experience that integrated research, writing, and presentation skills.  A collaborative teaching approach produced a rubric to evaluate student work and refine the curriculum assignment, and this presentation will describe the process, pedagogy, and outcomes.  This presentation aims to suggest a new approach to the incorporation of Web 2.0 technology into information literacy instruction.

Prof. James Lipuma, Humanities Dept, NJIT; Moderator: Davida Scharf, Van Houten Library, NJIT

College and University Section/ACRL-NJ User Education Committee



2:25pm – 3:15pm



NJLA Business Meeting

Everyone welcome!



2:30pm – 3:30pm



Poster Sessions

Share ideas and accomplishments!  For more information, please see




3:00pm – 3:30pm



Ice Cream Break!  Visit the Exhibits! 



3:30pm – 4:20pm



Paired Reading Lists

Matching fiction and non-fiction titles with core curriculum requirements enhances children's learning experiences and leads them to literature they might not otherwise discover.  View fiction and non-fiction titles that work well together and tie into curriculum units and learn tips for providing this service for your students and teachers.

Susan Fichtelberg, Woodbridge Public Library; Pat Vasilik, Clifton Public Library; Moderator: Lisa Sedita, Ridgefield Public Library

Children's Services Section



Best Books for Young Adults

Three former members of YALSA’s Best Books for Young Adults committee will booktalk 50 titles from the current BBYA list. 

Kimberly Paone, Elizabeth Public Library; Sharon Rawlins, NJ State Library; Moderator: Laura Leonard, Hillsdale Public Library

Young Adult Services Section



Make Mine A Mystery

A program for librarians interested in developing readers' advisory skills by combining Basic Reader's Advisory Training with a genre study of crime and mystery fiction.

Gary Warren Niebuhr, author of Make Mine A Mystery, Read ‘Em Their Writes: A Handbook for Mystery and Crime Fiction Book Discussions and Caught Up In Crime: A Reader’s Guide to Crime Fiction and Nonfiction (May 2009); Moderator: C. L. Quillen, Old Bridge Public Library

Extended program, ends @ 5:20pm

Reader's Advisory Roundtable



Reference Excellence Challenges:  Realities & Possibilities

We all know that library budgets are really tight and users have high expectations for reference service.  Coping with constant change, technology upgrades, and multiple demands on our time threaten our professional equilibrium.  Despite these realities, this program challenges you to consider the possibility of outstanding and personalized service to every library user.  Come to this engaging and provocative presentation to be inspired and to reaffirm excellent service as a core library value.

Marie L. Radford, Ph.D., Rutgers University, School of Communication, Information, and Library Studies; Moderator: Lisa Florio, Springfield Public Library

Reference Section



Firefox and Other Free Web Tools:  Practical Technology Tips for Small Libraries

Few small libraries can afford a dedicated IT person or a generous technology budget.  But it's surprising how much you can do "on the cheap," using free Web tools, software and plug-ins.  In this program you'll learn how to customize Firefox for patrons with low vision, optimize your searching, find free online tools (including online staff scheduling tools), and more.  The second half of the program will be a "show and tell," so bring your own "cheap, quick, and dirty" technology tips and tricks (and your questions) to share with your fellow librarians.

Jessamyn West, Library Consultant; Moderator: Mary Martin, Long Hill Township Library or Amy Kearns, CJRLC

Extended program, ends @ 5:20pm

Small Libraries Section and Information Technologies Section



From Awareness to Funding

In 2008 OCLC, with funding from the Gates Foundation, published the From Awareness to Funding report. Key findings include that funding is only marginally related to library visits; perceptions of librarians are an important predictor of library funding support and voters who see the library as a 'transformational' force are more likely to increase taxes in its support. Join our speaker for a discussion of this report and its implications for library advocacy.  This session will also include an update on local and statewide public policy issues presented by NJLA's  Executive Director.  A demonstration of the CAPWIZ library advocacy web tool will round out this session on library funding and public policy issues.

George Needham, OCLC Vice President for Member Services; Pat Tumulty, Executive Director NJLA; Moderator: Eileen M. Palmer, LMXAC

Public Policy Committee



Technology Innovation Forum

Presentation from the nominees and winner(s) of the 2009 NJLA College and University Section Technology Innovation Award, which honors a librarian or group of librarians for innovative use and application of technology in a New Jersey academic library.  The purpose of the award is to recognize distinguished leadership in developing new technologies for academic libraries.  The NJLA CUS/ACRL-NJ Technology Innovation Award winners for 2009 are:


  • Kurt Wagner - Coordination & Project Management, James DeRose – System Administration, Tony Joachim - Application Development , Mark Sandford - Application Development, and Raymond Schwartz - Application Development, at William Paterson University for the "Cheng Library Information-on-Demand Project,” which consists of the implementation of a library application server for the purpose of extracting information from the library’s Voyager database and other data sources with new information available to users in a variety of ways, by repackaging the data via custom developed web applications.

The Cheng Library Team will be joined by the 2009 Technology Innovation Award nominees, who will also demonstrate their individual projects:


  • Haymwantee P. Singh, Technical Reference Librarian, New Jersey Institute of Technology, presenting the "Web based self-service natural language KnowledgeBase Reference Service;"


  • Jackie Mardikian, Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Librarian, Library of Science and Medicine, Rutgers University Libraries ; John Maxymuk, Nursing and Science Librarian, Paul Robeson Library, Rutgers University Libraries ; Ann Watkins, Life and Health Sciences Librarian, Dana Library, Rutgers University; and the Members of the Rutgers University Libraries Instructional Services Committee presenting the "Rutgers University Nursing Information Literacy Tutorial;" and


  • Brian Hancock, Systems Librarian, Montclair State University Library presenting "The Humanities Data Grid at Montclair State University."

Moderator: Mary Mallery, Chair, NJLA CUS Technology Committee.


Extended program, ends @ 5:20pm

College and University Section/ACRL-NJ Technology Committee



Toot Your Own Horn!

This empowering program explores all the things that librarians need to do to increase their impact and expand their sphere of influence - for themselves and their entire profession.

Attendees will learn how to:

            Increase their own visibility

            Improve their professional image

            Boost their credibility

            Position themselves as experts

Donna Cardillo, RN, MA, President, National Speakers Association - NJ Chapter, “Dear Donna” columnist for Nursing Spectrum and NurseWeek, Cardillo & Associates; Moderator: Dale Spindel, Kenilworth Public Library

Extended program, ends @ 5:20pm

Personnel Administration Subcommittee



4:30pm – 5:20pm



A Visit with Children's Author, Lenore Look

Lenore Look, author of picture books like Uncle Peter's Chinese Wedding and transitional chapter books including Ruby Lu, Brave and True, an ALA Notable Book, and Alvin Ho, will discuss her work featuring Asian-American characters.

Moderator: Jeri Gunther, Ocean County Library, Pt. Pleasant Beach Branch

Children's Services Section



YALSA Happy Hour Road Show

Join other librarians serving teens for an informal networking session where attendees can chat and learn about YALSA.  Discover what YALSA can do for you and how you can participate in the fastest growing section of the American Library Association.

Moderator: Sarah Debraski, Past President, YALSA

Young Adult Services Section



Reader's Advisory:  Just the Basics

Extended program, begins @ 3:30pm

Reader's Advisory Roundtable



Radical Reference

This is an online reference service provided by volunteer library workers in a collaborative virtual setting using free/open source technology.  Come learn more about how you can use this model to deliver services in your own communities (social, political, familial, spiritual, etc.).  Presenters will share the five year history of the group and discuss how it collaborates, as well as give an accessible history of free/open source software.

Julie Crawford Tozer, Ocean County Library, Toms River Branch; Eric Goldhagen, Senior Partner at Openflows Community Technology Lab; Moderator: Lisa Coats, Monmouth University Library

Reference Section



Firefox and Other Free Web Tools:  Practical Technology Tips for Small Libraries

Extended program, begins @ 3:30pm

Small Libraries Section and Information Technologies Section



What Matters Most: Library Funding In Tough Financial Times

This program is part of a series of programs the Public Policy Committee is conducting across the state to update NJLA members on library funding issues and to ask NJLA members for their feedback on what library programs at the state and regional levels they value the most.  At this program we hope to report the results of these statewide meetings which will help NJLA to determine its future legislative funding priorities.  This program will also introduce CAPWIZ, a library advocacy tool available to all NJLA members.

Pat Tumulty, Executive Director, NJLA; Moderator: Eileen M. Palmer, LMXAC

Public Policy Committee



Technology Innovation Forum

Extended program, begins @ 3:30pm

College and University Section/ACRL-NJ Technology Committee



Toot Your Own Horn!

Extended program, begins @ 3:30pm

Personnel Administration Subcommittee



5:30pm – 7:30pm



NJLA Awards Reception 

Join us in celebrating the accomplishments of our friends and colleagues as we present this year's NJLA honors and awards to a distinguished list of recipients.  Among the honors are the Intellectual Freedom, Library Champion, Librarian of the Year and NJLA/NJASL Partnership awards.  The reception is open to all conference attendees and light refreshments will be served.

Honors and Awards Subcommittee



7:30pm – 9:00pm



New Jersey Library Trustee Association Program

Roles and Responsibilities of Trustees with Will Manley.

New Jersey Library Trustee Association



Bonfire and Leadership Reunion

Relax and unwind at the sandy shore.  Catch up with colleagues.  Everyone welcome!  This event is weather permitting.  Check at Hospitality for details.



9:00pm - ????



After Hours Soirée

Join NJLA President Heidi Cramer for evening refreshments in the President's suite.  (Check at Hospitality or Registration for room number!)  Everyone welcome.  



Meet and Greet

The Ocean View Lounge will also be open for drinks and snacks on your own.

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